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Michael Ignatieff asks for fairness in the allocation of infrastructure funding
Conservative ridings get 78% of infrastructure funding
Michael Ignatieff asks how does the government plan to fix the eligibility problems with EI
Michael Ignatieff asks is government refusing to adapt to changing economic realities
Michael Ignatieff asks who speaks for the government, the Finance Minister or the PM
Michael Ignatieff asks what is the government doing to help the Canadian auto sector
Michael Ignatieff asks is the PM willing to consider further action on the economy beyond the budget
Michael Ignatieff asks why the government took so long to voice its objection to buy American bill
Michael Ignatieff asks what step is Canada taking to coordinate with the US on the auto sector
Michael Ignatieff demande si le gouvernement peux garantir que les fonds promis en infrastructure
Ignatieff scrums on economy
Conservatives and the economy, Who's on first?